The dynamic Effects of speculation sectors returns on beta-herding behavior in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student in Economics, Department of Economics, Semnan University

2 Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Semnan University


For the first time, this research investigat the relationship between speculative sector on herding behavior in the Tehran Stock Exchange market by using the (TVP-FAVAR) model and seasonal data from the years (1388- 1) to (1400-4). The results confirm the existence of herding behavior in the in the stock market and it shows the negative effects of the speculative sector impulse responses on the beta-herding behavior. n addition, the effects of impulse responses of other main variables of the model on the behavior of investors were as follows: the effect of beta herding behavior on itself was almost zero that means this variable was not affected by itself, the effects of GDP in the first three periods were neutral and Then in the year 1400, it became slightly positive, the inflation variable with a two-season delay had insignificant positive effects, and then in the following seasons, mainly in the seventh seasonhas been strongly negative, the total stock return variable was almost positive, and finally, the stock liquidity variable had negative effects on the beta herding behavior variable.


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