Investigating the quantile time-varying relationship between exchange rate, current account deficit, government budget deficit, and inflation in the Iranian economy

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, University of Qom


One of the signs of a healthy economy is the stability of macroeconomic components such as exchange rate, inflation, budget deficit, and foreign trade sector. In the current study, using the TVP-QVAR model, in the period of 1385:01-1397:12, with a monthly frequency, the method of transfer, receive, and also the cause of transfer of volatilities between exchange rate, inflation, budget deficit, and the current account has been investigated. The research results showed that if the growth of the variables is at low, average, and high levels, the type of communication between them will also be different. Specifically, there has been more relationship between research variables' volatilities in low and high growth rates. Also, in the case of a high growth rate, only the exchange rate volatilities cause inflation, current account deficit, and government budget deficit. On the other hand, the government budget deficit has affected the current account deficit only in the case of a low growth rate.


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