Designing a Trust-Building Mechanism for the Development of the Sharing Economy in Iran (A Case Study of Online Accommodation Sharing Platforms)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D student in Economics, Department of Economics, Yazd University, Yazd

2 Professor, Department of Economics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


One of the new ideas to reduce inequality and adjust the class gap is the "sharing economy" model. By creating "access instead of ownership", the sharing economy has provided the conditions for the low income deciles to use some life facilities in which there is a large class gap, and a part of the lack of consumption in the low deciles (caused by the lack of ownership) decreases.
In this research, while introducing the "sharing economy" model in order to improve the inequality situation in the country, focusing on the issue of "trust" as the most important challenge of this economic model, an effort is made to design a mechanism to increase the level of trust in the sharing economy. , to provide the basis for inclusive and sustainable growth of this economic model in the country.
For this purpose, by using the game theory and one of its sub-branches called mechanism design theory, a trust-building mechanism with the aim of increasing the level of trust in online accommodation sharing platforms. , the design and then the proposed mechanism is evaluated. The results of the evaluation show that the proposed mechanism in this research is "compatible with motivation", "individually rational", "efficient" and "has a balanced budget predicted in advance".


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