The Role of Liquidity Management on Profitability of the Banks

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of economics department, Semnan University

2 Master of economics from Semnan university


The banking system, as one of the most effective sectors of the economy, by collecting a significant part of the available liquidity and directing it to the productive sectors, causes economic prosperity.The profitability of banks depends on a set of internal and external factors, of which liquidity management is the most important. In order to earn profit, banks must manage their liquidity in such a way as to meet their obligations and avoid wasting investment opportunities. In this research, by examining the effective indicators on liquidity management, a composite index that represents the level of bank liquidity management was calculated and introduced. Then, using the annual data of 16 banks in the period (2006-2021), the effect of liquidity management on banks' profitability was investigated using the generalized moments method (GMM), two-stage Arellano-Bond. The results show that liquidity management has the most positive effect on the profitability of banks, so that in private and semi-state banks, the intensity of this effect is greater than in state banks.


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